Our own knowledge transfer expert, Steve Trautman, will be teaming up with the Houston division of Career Partners International (CPI) to deliver a free webinar on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 at 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EST: “Knowledge Transfer Strategy: The Key to the ‘People Part’ of Your Existing Business Strategies.”

Register now: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/681431998

Imagine seeing as the norm at your company your top talent naturally “replicating” themselves.

Every time executives deliver a strategic plan they are presenting a change in direction that will guide their organizations for the next 1 – 5 years. The ensuing transition will undoubtedly involve people changing roles, developing new skills, and collaborating differently with co-workers. Regardless of how much operational planning goes into the transition, knowledge transfer will be necessary, because there will be people who know the new, “right way” to do things—and people to who need to know.

If you have ever been through a strategic transition and found that the “people part” did not go smoothly, this webinar is for you.

In this free session, knowledge transfer pioneer Steve Trautman will show how executives can guide their workforce in ways that: 1) shorten the time the organization spends in transition, 2) retrain workers for greater productivity, 3) ensure less rework, 4) help employee engagement and knowledge retention and, 4) most importantly, keep customers happy. We call this executive guidance your knowledge transfer strategy.

This webinar will provide you:

  • A one-page snapshot of the potential “Future State” of your organization after executing a solid knowledge transfer strategy, so that you can define a specific vision with outcomes.
  • 7 ways to spot a successful knowledge transfer strategy—especially helpful if you don’t have one already.
  • 3 techniques for embedding knowledge transfer into your existing strategic plans, and subsequently into your organization’s culture.
  • Real-world examples from case studies of how a knowledge transfer strategy can support a “factory” within your business that naturally, day-to-day produces higher skilled employees who understand their role and perform more consistently to standards.

“We can’t replace the wisdom gathered over many years, but we can reduce the time it takes to act wisely…”

—Steve Trautman

Register now: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/681431998

For more information, email us