Last week’s post to this blog introduced the topic of managing talent risk and busted three common misconceptions around that. Let’s take on another.
As business leaders, you manage many risks systematically and with great rigor. You manage risk of litigation with contracts and insurance, risk to operations with multiple suppliers and maintenance protocols, risk to health and safety by having protective gear and environmental sensors, risk to finance by maintaining cash reserves and lines of credit, etc. Yet with all that you do in risk management elsewhere in your business, you likely do not have a rigorous way to assess and methodically mitigate talent risk in your workforce.
I started my knowledge transfer consulting firm nearly two decades ago and have watched companies struggle with this challenge for years. Organizations stab at this problem with competency models, demographic profiles, and headcount battles—or hope that a succession plan and a little luck will carry them—but in the end few can say with any degree of certainty that they will have the workforce they need to execute their business strategy 1 – 3 years from now. With that backdrop there is some irony when we say, “People are our most important asset.”
5 Common Talent Risk Factors You Cannot Afford to Ignore
There are very real and urgent reasons to manage your people-related risk with rigor. Consider the presence of specific talent risk factors in your workforce and the cost of ignoring them. Here are five of the most common risk factors:- Shortage of essential talent—The risk of failing to acquire new expertise in growing areas poses a threat to your company’s ability to meet strategic objectives and stay competitive.
- High percentage of new hires—Failing to onboard new hires in a timely manner will lessen their productivity. Without a good knowledge transfer plan, your overtaxed Subject Matter Experts will be stretched further by the influx of questions from new hires.
- Dissatisfied employees—Unplanned turnover of employees, even when they don’t join a competitor, costs your company money in terms of training, development, and replacement costs.
- Shortage of talent in the leadership pipeline—Do you know which senior leaders are likely to retire in the next 1 – 3 years? Do you have a succession plan in place? If your top executives retire, are there successors with the right skills and knowledge ready to step in? If not, you risk serious disruption to strategy and operations and costly lost knowledge.
- Loss of critical skilled employees—Is your company able to function when key skilled employees depart? Do you know where your skilled teams lack bench strength in critical technical skills? A younger workforce does not equal low risk, as employees can leave unexpectedly for any reason. Are you mitigating the risk when critical knowledge leaves your workforce? If you do not you know which individuals (regardless of their age) hold your company’s unique, business-critical knowledge and do not have a method to quickly transfer that knowledge to their peers, the direct and indirect costs to your business will be high.